NY (Origins High School) Kaminsky et al v. Origins High School et al


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U.S. District Court
Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn)
CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 1:24-cv-03297-MMH

Kaminsky et al v. Origins High School et al
Assigned to: Magistrate Judge Marcia M. Henry
Cause: 28:1331 Fed. Question: Employment Discrimination

Date Filed: 05/03/2024
Jury Demand: Plaintiff
Nature of Suit: 442 Civil Rights: Jobs
Jurisdiction: Federal Question
Danielle Kaminskyrepresented byJames A Walden
Walden Macht & Haran LLP
250 Vesey
27th Floor
New York, NY 10281
Fax: 212-335-2040
Email: jwalden@wmhlaw.com
Michael Beaudryrepresented byJames A Walden
(See above for address)

Origins High School
City of New York
New York City Department of Education
David C. Banks
Michael Prayor
John Banks
Dara Kammerman
Date Filed#Docket Text
05/03/20241 COMPLAINT against David C. Banks, John Banks, City of New York, Dara Kammerman, New York City Department of Education, Origins High School, Michael Prayor filing fee $ 405, receipt number ANYEDC-17835331 Was the Disclosure Statement on Civil Cover Sheet completed -NO,, filed by Michael Beaudry, Danielle Kaminsky. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Proposed Summons, # 3 Proposed Summons, # 4 Proposed Summons, # 5 Proposed Summons, # 6 Proposed Summons, # 7 Proposed Summons, # 8 Proposed Summons) (Walden, James) (Entered: 05/03/2024)
05/03/20242 Clerks Notice Re: Consent. A magistrate judge has been assigned as the presiding judge in this case as part of a Pilot Program, governed by EDNY Administrative Order 2023-23. In accordance with Rule 73 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Local Rule 73.1, the parties are notified that if all parties consent, the assigned Magistrate Judge is available to conduct all proceedings in this action including a (jury or nonjury) trial and to order the entry of a final judgment. Attached to this Notice is a blank copy of the consent form that should be filled out, signed and filed electronically only if all parties wish to consent. The form is also available here: https://www.nyed.uscourts.gov/edny-direct-assignment-pilot-program. Any party may withhold its consent without adverse substantive consequences. Do NOT return or file the consent unless all parties have signed the consent. Unless all parties consent to the Magistrate Judge jurisdiction by the deadline set forth in the Administrative Order 2023-23, a District Judge will be assigned to the case. The parties are directed to review the terms of Administrative Order 2023-23 and other materials related to the Pilot Program on the Courts website: https://www.nyed.uscourts.gov/edny-direct-assignment-pilot-program. (CV) (Entered: 05/03/2024)
05/03/20243 Summons Issued as to David C. Banks, John Banks, City of New York, Dara Kammerman, New York City Department of Education, Origins High School. (Please do not provide proposed summons for each defendant). (CV) (Entered: 05/03/2024)
05/03/20244 This attorney case opening filing has been checked for quality control. See the attachment for corrections that were made, if any. (CV) (Entered: 05/03/2024)